
How To Get Skinny In A Week



Thomas MacDonald

Sit up on your block and follow your breath for two minutes.

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Side Plank, Right and Left

Side Plank, Right and Left

Thomas MacDonald

Turn your right foot to the right, stack your right hip over your left one, and place the sole of your right foot on the floor. Sweep your right arm up toward the ceiling. Look up at that hand.

Lift your hips, place your left foot directly behind your right foot, and balance on the outside of your left foot and your left arm.

Stack your right leg on top of your left leg. Press the edges of your feet and thighs together. Keep your hips lifted.

Keeping your hips lifted, bring the hand that was raised to the ceiling down to the mat to meet the other one; they should be about shoulder-width apart.

Repeat on opposite side.

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Thomas MacDonald

Lift your heels, shift your weight forward, and start to lower your hips until your body forms one long line. Be careful not to let your pelvis sag. Think about lifting under your armpits and broadening across your collarbone.

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Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog

Thomas MacDonald

From monkey pose, use your hands or the blocks for support to lift your hips.

Curl the toes of your back leg under, then bring your front leg to meet your back leg as you move into downward-facing dog.

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Monkey, with Blocks B

Monkey, with Blocks B

Thomas MacDonald

Press your hips back, lift the toes of your forward foot, and press your forward heel into the floor.

Tip: When you exhale, allow your body to release where there is tension. But don't push, just release. Your body will open up the more you breathe. Pushing will only make things tighter. Only go to where your body can easily be, then stay there and breathe.

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Monkey, with Blocks A

Monkey, with Blocks A

Thomas MacDonald

Lower your back leg to the floor, then bring your hands to either side of your hips (or to blocks on either side of your hips) in order to support your weight as you extend your front leg out in front of you.

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One-Legged King Pigeon

One-Legged King Pigeon

Thomas MacDonald

Come out of your twist and sit up tall in pigeon pose. Bend the knee of your right (or back) leg so you are lifting your shin off the floor as you grab the inside of your foot. Gently pull it in closer to your glute.

Stay here for five breaths.

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Pigeon Twist

Pigeon Twist

Thomas MacDonald

From your forward fold in pigeon pose, walk your hands back closer to your legs and take your torso to an upright position.

Turn from the waist in the direction of your right (or back) leg.

Stay here for three breaths.

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Pigeon, Forward Extension

Pigeon, Forward Extension

Thomas MacDonald

Walk your fingertips out to 18 inches in front of your forward leg and bring your elbows to the floor, forearms parallel to each other. Stay here for a breath. Then reach your arms out farther in front of you, fold your torso over your front leg, and lower your head to the floor, a block, or a pillow. Breathe deeply.

Stay here for 10 breaths.

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Thomas MacDonald

Lift your forward foot off the floor and guide the outside of your lower leg and bent knee to the floor.

Lower your hips.

Tip: Align your forward knee so it's straight in front of your hip, and align your forward shin so it's parallel to the front of your mat.

Lift your head and chest toward the ceiling in a mini backbend. Take a breath there. Then, leading with your chest, bring your torso back to vertical.

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Low Lunge

Low Lunge

Thomas MacDonald

Step your left (or back) leg forward between your hands and lower your hips into a lunge position. Back leg should be straight.

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Thomas MacDonald

Plant both hands on the mat as you hold plank pose. Your heels, ankles, spine, and shoulders are all in one long, straight line.

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Lower to Floor

Lower to Floor

Thomas MacDonald

Using three breaths to complete this movement, bend your elbows and keep them close to your sides as you lower your body in one straight line to the floor.

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Thomas MacDonald

Bring your legs back to the mat and rest flat on your back. Extend your arms and legs a little out to the sides. Face your palms up.

Close your eyes and rest here in corpse pose for 20 long breaths, focusing solely on your breathing.

Finally, stretch out through your fingers and toes, then roll over onto your side and slowly make your way up to sitting.

Keep your attention on your breathing for a few moments, then slowly open your eyes and enjoy the rest of your day.

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Knee Hug

Knee Hug

Thomas MacDonald

Hug your knees into your chest and gently rock side to side, releasing your back.

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Thomas MacDonald

From a supported wheel, hands by ears, fingers facing feet, inhale as you lift your pelvis off the floor.

Press into your feet to keep them hip-width apart and parallel.

Lift your head off the mat and tilt it back to place the crown of your head on the floor. Pause there.

Inhale as you lift your head off the floor, push into your hands, and extend your arms fully. Come into a full backbend, arching and distributing your weight evenly from your hands to your feet.

Breathe slowly and deeply for five breaths.

(Tip: Press into the inner edges of your feet, reach your knees forward, relax your glutes, and stretch them toward your knees to lengthen your lower back.)

To come out of the pose, carefully lower yourself back to the crown of your head, then roll your spine down slowly, one vertebra at a time.

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Supported Wheel B

Supported Wheel B

Thomas MacDonald

Reach back and place your hands by your ears, fingers facing your feet.

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Supported Wheel A

Supported Wheel A

Thomas MacDonald

Begin by sitting with your legs extended in front of you.

Sit upright from your seated forward bend.

Place a block under your lower back. Lean back to rest on the block, letting your hands and legs rest comfortably on the floor.

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Seated Forward Bend

Seated Forward Bend

Thomas MacDonald

Begin by sitting with your legs extended in front of you.

Inhale and extend your arms straight overhead, shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, reach your chest and arms forward, lowering them about 45 degrees.

Take hold of your big toes with your first two fingers and thumbs. Inhale and straighten your spine. Exhale and bend your elbows, lowering your torso closer to your legs.

Once you've reached the limit of your stretch, relax your head toward your knees.

Hold for 10 breaths.

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Upward-Facing Dog

Upward-Facing Dog

Thomas MacDonald

From a forearm prep or forearm stand, bring your feet gently back down to the mat.

Fold your toes under so the tops of your feet are on the mat. Bend your elbows and spread your palms on the floor beside your lower ribs.

Now push up, straightening your arms without locking your elbows, and lifting both your legs and upper body into the air.

Broaden across your collarbone, lift your sternum, and slide your shoulder blades down your back. Keep your elbows in, close to your sides, and move your upper arms back away from your chest.

Breathe here for two breaths.

Return to downward-facing dog.

Go back to Down-Dog Split and repeat using the left leg for down-dog split, and as the forward leg of your crescent lunge and pigeon poses. If you've already completed the sequence using both sides of the body, continue your workout from here.

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Forearm Stand Prep

Forearm Stand Prep

Thomas MacDonald

Bend both of your elbows at the same time, and lower into a forearm stand prep position.

Walk your feet in so your hips are over your shoulders.

Reach your right leg up into a down-dog split.

Breathe here for a few breaths, or try lifting (but not jumping) up into a forearm balance.

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Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog

Thomas MacDonald

From plank: On an exhale, press evenly through your palms, reach your sit bones toward the ceiling, and begin to straighten your legs.

Gently move your chest back toward your thighs until your ears are even with your upper arms, and keep your hips lifting away from your heels and wrists.

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Pushup to Plank

Pushup to Plank

Thomas MacDonald

Press your palms firmly into the mat and use three breaths to slowly push yourself back up to a plank. Try to keep your body in one straight line. Lifting up in your stomach will help.

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Crescent Lunge Twist, Arms Extended

Crescent Lunge Twist, Arms Extended

Thomas MacDonald

From a crescent lunge, bring your palms together and lower them into a prayer position, with your thumbs resting near your sternum. Remain in your twist, then open your hands and press your left fingertips on the mat, just outside your right (or forward) ankle. Raise your right arm straight up toward the ceiling.

Gently turn your head and gaze toward the upper hand.

Inhale and straighten your front leg; exhale and bend back to your lunge.

Do this three times.

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Crescent Lunge, Hands-in-Prayer Twist

Crescent Lunge, Hands-in-Prayer Twist

Thomas MacDonald

From a crescent lunge, bring your palms together and lower them into a prayer position, with your thumbs resting near your sternum.

Twist your torso toward the right (or the direction that corresponds to your forward leg).

Bring your left elbow to the outside of your right leg. Press the upper part of your left arm on the outside of your right (or forward) leg.

Turn your head and gaze toward the ceiling.

Stay here in the twist for three breaths.

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Side Plank

Side Plank

Thomas MacDonald

Step your forward foot back to meet your other foot.

Turn your right foot to the right, stack your right hip over your left one, and place the sole of your right foot on the floor. Sweep your right arm up toward the ceiling. Look up at that hand.

Lift your hips and place your left foot directly behind your right foot, balancing on the outside of your left foot and your left arm.

Stack your right leg on top of your left leg. Press the edges of your feet and thighs together. Keep your hips lifted.

Stay here for three breaths.

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Single-Leg Forward Bend

Single-Leg Forward Bend

Thomas MacDonald

Bring both hands down to the mat on either side of your foot. Fingertips should rest on the floor, or bring your hands as far down your legs as possible.

Straighten both legs as you hinge forward.

(Tip: The outer hip of the front leg tends to creep forward in this posture, but by reaching it back, you'll square your hip points forward and get a better stretch in your legs.)

Stay here for three breaths.

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Crescent Lunge Twist

Crescent Lunge Twist

Thomas MacDonald

While still in a lunge position, bring your torso back to vertical, inhale and lift up a little higher, then exhale and twist from your stomach to the left. Bring both arms to shoulder height. Reach your left arm back and your right arm forward. Your torso and arms are now facing your left side.

Look over your left hand and relax your shoulders down your back.

Stay here for three breaths.

Bring your right fingertips to the mat, alongside your left shin. Reach your left arm straight up and look up toward your palm.

Stay here for three breaths.

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Crescent Lunge with Interlaced hands

Crescent Lunge with Interlaced hands

Thomas MacDonald

Interlace your hands above your head. Gently reach up and back as if reaching over a beach ball.

Stay here for two breaths.

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Crescent Lunge

Crescent Lunge

Thomas MacDonald

From a lunge position (back leg straight), sweep your arms out to the sides and overhead with your palms facing each other. Think about keeping your shoulders stacked on top of your hips.

Relax your shoulders.

Stay here for three breaths.

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Knee-to-Forehead Sequence 2B

Knee-to-Forehead Sequence 2B

Thomas MacDonald

Flex your left foot and keep your hips square. Exhale, lift your hips up high, arch your upper back forward like a cat, and bring your knee toward or to your forehead. Inhale back to down-dog split. Repeat this two more times.

On your final exhalation, bring your left foot forward and place it between your hands.

Lower your hips into a lunge position (with back leg straight).

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Knee-to-Forehead Sequence 2A

Knee-to-Forehead Sequence 2A

Thomas MacDonald

From downward-facing dog, raise your left leg to a down-dog split.

Bring your knee into your forehead, lifting your hips high as you arch like a cat. Press your foot to the back of the room to go back into a down-dog split.

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Thomas MacDonald

From downward-facing dog, lift your heels, shift your weight forward, and start to bring your hips toward the floor—just slightly—until your body forms one long line.

Stay lifted in your stomach to avoid sagging hips. Spread your fingers and press the ground away firmly as you broaden and soften your collarbone.

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Knee-to-Forehead Sequence B

Knee-to-Forehead Sequence B

Thomas MacDonald

Exhale, lift your hips up high, arch your upper back forward like a cat, and bring your knee towards or to your forehead. Inhale back to down-dog split.

Repeat this two more times and, on an exhale, come back to downward-facing dog.

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Knee-to-Forehead Sequence A

Knee-to-Forehead Sequence A

Thomas MacDonald

From downward-facing dog, inhale and reach your right leg up to down-dog split. Flex your right foot and keep your hips square.

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Thomas MacDonald

Turn and plant both hands on the mat to go into plank pose. Remember to keep your hips lifted and your body in a straight line.

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Lower to Floor

Lower to Floor

Thomas MacDonald

Using three breaths to complete this movement, bend your elbows and keep them close to your sides as you lower your body in one straight line to the floor.

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Crescent Lunge

Crescent Lunge

Thomas MacDonald

Sweep your arms out to the sides and overhead, with your palms facing each other. Think about keeping your shoulders stacked on top of your hips.

Stay here for three breaths.

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Low Lunge

Low Lunge

Thomas MacDonald

Step your right leg forward between your hands and lower your hips into a lunge position. Back leg should be straight.

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Wide-Angle Split

Wide-Angle Split

Thomas MacDonald

The third time you return to the down-dog split pose, lower your leg down to the ground outside of your arm, sliding your heel along the ground into a wide-angle split.

Breathe here for five breaths.

Push into the mat with your hands as you lift your hips up and return to a downward-facing dog.

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Down-Dog Split, Open Leg

Down-Dog Split, Open Leg

Thomas MacDonald

Move your leg to the side 90 degrees (so it's perpendicular to your torso), pointing your toes toward the front of the room.

Hold for one breath, then bring the leg back to down-dog split.

Repeat that three times.

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Down-Dog Split

Down-Dog Split

Thomas MacDonald

From downward-facing dog, raise your right leg up and extend it behind you to down-dog split.

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Forearm Lower-and-Raise

Forearm Lower-and-Raise

Thomas MacDonald

Bend both of your elbows and lower into a forearm stand prep position. Then straighten both elbows and press back into downward-facing dog. Try to lower and pick up both of your elbows at the same time.

Do this three times.

Go back to Knee-to-forehead Sequence A and do the high lunge series on the opposite side, finishing in a down dog. If you've already completed the sequence using both sides of the body, continue the workout from here.

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Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog

Thomas MacDonald

Reach your sit bones toward the ceiling and begin to straighten your legs. Keep a slight bend in your knees at first.

Push the tops of your thighs back so your body looks like an inverted V. Slowly start to straighten your knees without locking them, gently move your chest back toward your thighs until your ears are even with your upper arms, and keep your hips lifting away from your heels and wrists.

Reminder: Not everyone needs to have their heels on the floor and knees straight. But if you're aiming for that, reach your heels away from your head first and then down to elongate rather than yank the muscles.

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Standing Bend Wrist Release

Standing Bend Wrist Release

Thomas MacDonald

From downward-facing dog, walk your hands back toward your feet until your weight is fully supported by your legs. You should be folded over.

Bend your knees and step on the palms of your hands so your toes touch the inside of your wrists. [*Note: The second time through this sequence, rotate your hands so you are stepping on the backs of your hands. This will give your wrists a different stretch.]

Let your head and neck hang loosely.

Breathe here for five breaths.

Release your hands and walk them back to return to downward-facing dog.

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Upward-Facing Dog

Upward-Facing Dog

Thomas MacDonald

Fold your toes under so the tops of your feet are on the mat and lie facedown. Bend your elbows and spread your palms on the floor beside your lower ribs.

Now push up, straightening your arms without locking your elbows, and lifting both your legs and upper body into the air.

Broaden across your collarbone, lift your sternum, and slide your shoulder blades down your back. Keep your elbows in, close to your sides, and move your upper arms back away from your chest.

Stay here for three breaths.

Curl your toes under, make sure your palms are firmly planted on the mat, and lift your hips up to go into downward-facing dog.

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Pushup to Plank

Pushup to Plank

Thomas MacDonald

Press your palms firmly into the mat and use three breaths to slowly push yourself back up to a plank. Try to keep your body in one straight line. Lifting up in your stomach will help.

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Finding Your Fit

Finding Your Fit

Thomas MacDonald

Four weeks down. Great job so far! By this point you should be feeling—and seeing—results. Enjoy them. Keep up the momentum for these last two weeks.

And remember to hold plank pose for as long as you can at the beginning and end of each workout. (This power pose is your core's BFF.)

After you've completed the six-week plan don't forget about maintenance. Try to fit your favorite parts of this workout into your daily life to keep your body and mind in fantastic shape!

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How To Get Skinny In A Week


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