
Have You Made Money With Gofundme Reddit

My immediate thought when people use GoFundMe like this.

r/arresteddevelopment - My immediate thought when people use GoFundMe like this.

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level 1

It's so infuriating when people apply gofundme for things like this. I've seen friends on Facebook gofunding for all sorts of things, including personal travel, next months rent, and a new car.... and these people have jobs!

level two

There was a popular 1 going effectually a few years agone about this girl who wanted a car as a graduation gift to herself, so she started a GoFundMe campaign. Everyone told her to become become a job, lol.

level 2

I saw 1 where a dude was building his diesel truck. He probably paid $15000 originally, dumped another $15000 into it, then made the GoFundMe with a $10000 goal. I've never seen so many insults thrown at someone in my entire life. He deleted it, only kept it upwardly for over a day with $0 donated.

level 2

and in that location'south always simply twenty bucks donated on it from some gullible grandparent

level 2

Well the "stand on the corner with a cardboard sign" marketplace just really needed disrupting.

level 2

The worst I have seen is someone starting a GoFundMe for some EDM concert in California. She posted information technology every week and kept proverb how information technology was 'her dream to go there'. This lasted for 3 months and she never received a cent as far as I could tell. She never got a chore that unabridged fourth dimension either.

I also know that whenever she goes to those concerts she merely litters her snapchat with dissimilar types of drugs she's going to exist taking.

level 2

GoFundMe, when used properly, is an amazing affair. Unfortunately people are self centered shit heads

level 2

Or when celebrities use it to establish their indie project when they could easily exercise it with their money, like that overrated dude from scrubs did when the studio didn't want to hire his friend and then he refused the studio money and did a go fund me.

level 2

The but time this would be fine is if the guy was biking arround the world or something like that.

level 2

Yea but is anyone dumb enough to donate?

level 2

That'southward exactly what gofundme is for, though. Information technology's not a platform to heighten money to make a product or something. It's literally "I want money, and will give you nothing in return. Give me some if you lot desire."

level 2

Friend on Facebook is doing 1 for new teeth her hubby works she tin can too simply don't desire too....sigh

level ii

including personal travel,

My ex did this. Then later claimed she has never accepted anything from anyone ever (despite this being laughably untrue in a great many number of means).

level 1

"Hither's some money. Go see a Star State of war"

level two

I made a similar joke about Up With People, saying that there should be a "countermovement" to it, called Up Yours, People. It did not go over well...


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