
How To Get Rid Of Static On Blankets


We've all tried to create static electricity before. Rubbing your socked feet on the carpet rapidly and then trying to create a little jolt by touching our friends or other things almost makes us feel like superheroes.

But there are times where static electricity is not all that welcome, such as when we're talking about clothing and blankets. When static electricity becomes involved, clothing can stick together, becoming difficult to break apart and even leading to an unpleasant shock.

While those shocks generally won't hurt very much, they can be startling at the very least. So the next time that you go to untangle those charged blankets, you might want to try some of these methods for keeping that charge away.

Page Contents

  • 1 Is Static Electricity in Blankets Dangerous?
  • 2 Can Static Electricity Start a Fire in Bed?
  • 3 9 Amazing Ways to Get Rid Of Static On Your Blanket
    • 3.1 1. Use White Vinegar
    • 3.2 2. Lotion It Up
    • 3.3 3. Pick Quality Materials
    • 3.4 4. Try Dryer Sheets
    • 3.5 5. Get Moisture Into Your Room
    • 3.6 6. Get Your Laundry Outside
    • 3.7 7. Tweak Your Drying Cycle
    • 3.8 8. Discharge Your Bed
    • 3.9 9. Baking Soda
    • 3.10 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 3.11 1. Why Is My Blanket So Static?
    • 3.12 2. Does Static Electricity Go Away?
    • 3.13 3. Why Do Blankets Spark at Night?
    • 3.14 4. Does Febreze Stop Static?
    • 3.15 5. Can Static Electricity Hurt Your Heart?
    • 3.16 Get Static Out of Your Blanket Fast

Is Static Electricity in Blankets Dangerous?

This type of static electricity (found around the house, carpet, blankets, clothes, brushing hair, etc.) is minor and not harmful to the body except for momentary shock to the cheek or ear. However, a static electric discharge can potentially ignite any volatile (flammable) substances that may be nearby.

Static occurs when electric charges accumulate on an object's surface; this is commonly a result of two materials moving apart or rubbing together. Very dry air and cold weather increase static electricity, so static shock occurs more often in the winter when the air is especially dry.

Can Static Electricity Start a Fire in Bed?

Yes – but only if they are wet with something highly flammable such as gasoline, so the vapors will catch fire from a spark. Otherwise, this kind of static electricity has too little energy to cause thermal effects significant enough to set the fabric on fire.

If the static electricity creates a spark, the likelihood of fire depends on two factors:

  • The size of the spark, and by extension how much heat the spark and deliver
  • The environment the spark has occurred in

The spark created by static electricity is only the source of ignition. It needs a fuel that can burn and produce enough heat to sustain combustion to start a fire.

For example—a tiny spark created by static electricity near an open petrol tank could quickly start a fire. This is because the area around is filled with highly flammable petrol vapor that even the slightest energy could ignite a fire.

If you were to apply the same energy to a tree, then nothing would happen. Reason? The spark doesn't have enough power to steer up the heat energy of the wood to the extent that it could cause a fire.

9 Amazing Ways to Get Rid Of Static On Your Blanket

We undoubtedly think of electricity as the power that flows into our walls and out into our regular appliances. However, there's a small amount of static that flows into our bodies every day.

Static electricity is produced by rubbing two objects together, with one providing the other with electrons. Glass and wool are excellent examples of materials that bring about static electricity. Hair and skin will also generate static electricity and increase the charges as well.

Static charges can also be created when you rub your feet over carpeting and touch another conductor. Beddings can also be a natural indicator for static electricity when combined with the electrical charges that run into your body.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get rid of static electricity on your blanket, and the best part is that they are all natural.

1. Use White Vinegar

White vinegar is an excellent household cleaner and can come in handy in many ways. Besides taking the static out of your blanket, white vinegar will help soften your bedding, making it more comfortable. Also, it will help alleviate static clinging and electricity.

Sure, you can add fabric conditioner in the final rinse cycle, but a ½ cup of white vinegar will go a long way to remove the static charges. The only difference between white vinegar and fabric softeners is that it leaves no residue on laundry. And since it's all-natural, you should make it a staple for your household chores.

2. Lotion It Up

Another way to get rid of static electricity is to initiate moisture. This is a critical component in keeping static charges out of your blanket, clothing, or even air. You can introduce moisture into the drying cycle or yourself.

Do this by applying lotion to your face, arms, hands, and legs before getting into bed. Those with long hair can also moisten their hair using wet hands. Or by running a comb under the faucet and then passing it through the hair.

That way, you'll be providing your body with moisture, preventing static shock from appearing when you try to get into bed.

3. Pick Quality Materials

Sometimes all you need is a quality blanket to keep the static shock from showing up. When buying blankets, choose materials that naturally eliminate static electricity without much effort.

Meanwhile, you'll want to avoid blankets made of nylon, polyester, rayon, and acetate because of their vulnerability to static cling and electricity.

Settling for natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool, and silk is an excellent way to keep static shock at bay when all you want is to cuddle up. With these materials, you can omit all the static removal steps and enjoy your bedding as it's supposed to.

4. Try Dryer Sheets

The success of this method will depend on the type of dryer sheets. Some are more effective at eliminating static cling than others. There are even some that are explicitly designed to get static out of your bedding.

Initiating dryer sheets into your laundry is a great way to remove static cling from your blanket, freshen it and soften your bedding throughout the cycle. That way, you can hop into bed without having to gear up for the shock of static charges.

5. Get Moisture Into Your Room

You've probably washed and dried your bedding, but you don't want to experience that infuriating shock when you get into bed. You can prevent this by turning on a water component located near your bedroom before crawling to bed.

Implementing a humidifier into your room is the easiest way to introduce moisture. It doesn't have to be more prominent—a simple wall-mounted fixture can do the magic. The added moisture will eventually alleviate or eliminate the static electricity left in the blanket. A humidifier can come in handy during dry climates where inadequate moisture in the air can cause dry, cracked skin.

6. Get Your Laundry Outside

This is a great way to reduce static shock on your bedding but takes longer than other methods. Even so, there are many benefits to getting your bedding outside. First, it alleviates the static cling on your blanket. And second, it freshens your laundry close to fabric conditioners.

Even more, the sun's UV rays will destroy any bacteria left in the bedding. It's also worth noting that drying takes longer than artificial dryers, but the outcome is worth the patience. You'll also want to repeat this procedure a couple of times because it only reduces the static charges.

7. Tweak Your Drying Cycle

Using the dryer to dry your bedding will help cut down more drying time. If you want to deal with the static charges once and for all, consider adding a damp hand towel to your drying cycle. You'll want to do this for the last 20 minutes for complete effectiveness.

You can also introduce a crumpled ball of aluminum to do the trick. Introduce it during the last 20 minutes of the drying cycle to dispel most of the static charges within.

8. Discharge Your Bed

Even if you haven't recently suffered a shock, it can be a good idea to discharge your bed before you get in. Try running a wire hanger or a dryer sheet over the top of your blankets before you climb into bed for the night.

The fabric softener sheets typically work in the dryer to neutralize static electricity and cling. Hence, it only makes sense to wipe one down over your bedding to achieve the same effect. The wire hanger, meanwhile, can discharge that static buildup before you get into the bed.

If you want to get creative, you can take a wet washcloth and wring it out, running it over your bedding lightly to implement enough moisture to dispel and prevent static charges.

9. Baking Soda

You'll come to find that there are a few natural cleaners that will do a great job on several things throughout your home. White vinegar, as mentioned above, is one of those household cleaners. Another one is baking soda.

Baking soda can be added into the washing cycle, helping to soften your clothes and remove any residues or scents that may have been there. Best of all, that baking soda will make your bedding resistant to static shock when it goes into the dryer.

Just make sure that you don't use white vinegar and baking soda together in the same cycle. It will cause a reaction that will make those grade-school volcano experiments look pale in comparison (and probably destroy your washer in the process).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Is My Blanket So Static?

Static charge is created when things touch and rub other things. Since the insulating properties allow static to build up, making the blankets and sheets slightly conductive will dissipate static charge as it forms. That is precisely how dryer sheets and fabric softeners prevent static cling.

2. Does Static Electricity Go Away?

Yes, static electricity does go away, and the easiest way to dispel static electricity from your body is to wait it out. If you feel your hair starting to stand up and know that the shock is coming, you can sit still. By stopping the friction that created the electron buildup in the first place, the static electricity naturally dissipates within a few minutes.

3. Why Do Blankets Spark at Night?

The blanket rubbing against the hair on your head rapidly separates large amounts of electrical charge. The charges collect on your body and inside of the blanket in front of you. When the charges reach a critical voltage level, the air between your fist and the blanket ionizes (breaks down), and a spark jumps.

4. Does Febreze Stop Static?

No, Febreze is ineffective in stopping static. The ingredients used in Febreze are not designed to help against static electricity. Downy – The charged softener molecules deposited during the rinse cycle (for liquids) or the drying cycle (for dry sheets) make the fibers more electrically similar and, thus, help prevent static cling.

5. Can Static Electricity Hurt Your Heart?

During daily life, if we touch a place with tons of static electricity, it can also pump our heart in a way. It is much different from the electricity that saves people because, in our everyday life, our heart pump at a standard speed when it is pumped by static electricity, will shock our heart and may.

Get Static Out of Your Blanket Fast

Static clinging shouldn't significantly impact your life, but it can make for an annoyance when you climb into bed and receive a shock. Use one of the methods outlined above, and you should be able to keep from getting a nasty surprise when you climb into bed.

How To Get Rid Of Static On Blankets


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