
New alleged Nokia document hints at post Windows Phone 7.8 update and more

We've known for quite some fourth dimension that despite what a lot of the doom-and-gloomers out the have said, Windows Phone seven is far from expressionless. Between Windows Phone 7.8 coming out and Nokia who keeps churning out all sorts of dandy additions to the OS, people with seven.10 phones all the same have reason to be satisfied.

A new leaked slide from a 25-page Nokia PowerPoint deck may make things fifty-fifty better, if nosotros're not reading as well much into it. (This will be the second Nokia PowerPoint presentation to have leaked in recent days.) The slide, attained by, shows a timeline with Windows Phone 7.x being overlapped by Windows Telephone eight. There we see the familiar Mango --> Tango --> Windows Phone 7.8 progression but at that place is another box after 7.8 that merely states "Windows Phone 7.ten"...

Microsoft may not even accept plans for a post-7.8 update only nosotros see picayune reason why Nokia would include such a box subsequently 7.8 if there weren't something there. They could take very well have concluded with 7.8 and Windows Phone 8 would have continued the future of the Os.

The other interesting bit most the timeline is how 7.8 comes after Windows Phone viii—something we've known since June—but it will come up before the offset set of Windows Phone viii updates.  That leads us to the some other curious attribute: "Windows Phone 8 updates" as in more than than ane. That can either mean that yeah, WP8 will of course have a long life with many general updates over the next few years or information technology could hateful nosotros will have numerous smaller updates that trickle out over the next few months.

Such a system is already in place as detailed in our earlier post on how over-the-air (OTA) updates work on Windows Phone 8. Some of those updates volition be minor at less than a megabyte, while others will range up to "extra big" at over 150MB. All in all, there are five dissimilar size-levels of potential updates for Windows Phone 8 and nosotros couldn't help but think Microsoft would not have made such distinctions were they not planning on using them.

Windows Telephone 8 in theory could have a vibrant future of many updates ranging from small-scale patches to total Bone updates. That's the dream of many smartphone users who are now buying into the arrangement merely it remains to be seen if that is what really occurs, especially with carriers running interference. The other decision nosotros can tentatively describe is that Windows Phone 7 may also take more life left in it that previously thought. Now we just anxiously await that 7.8 update, which is expected in the side by side few months. Fingers crossed.

Source:; Thanks, Natan, for the link!


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