• Haze

    Haze over 12 years ago

    Merely stumbled over a sellers details:

    "Paypal payments must be sent as GIFT or they will be rejected. This is to avert Paypal charges and proceed your costs as low as possible. If you lot demand help on how to ship Souvenir payments please refer to the paypal assistance section. If yous prefer a Paypal invoice please let me know and I volition transport one. This will add an extra 8% to the full cost to cover paypal charges."

    Though I'chiliad not really interested in buying from this guy, I wonder if information technology'south even possible to transport money through Paypal as gift from Federal republic of germany? I haven't institute this option. I as well retrieve it makes it easier to rip a heir-apparent of, since you're sending the coin as gift and non for an order.

  • pinkychukkles

    pinkychukkles over 12 years ago

    As I empathise information technology, you used to be able to transport payments marked as gifts and there would exist no fees deducted from the person receiving the coin. Notwithstanding, perchance lots of people started abusing this option as now, if you mark a payment as a gift, yous, i.e. the sender of the payment, now has to pay the fee that would exist ordinarily exist charged to the receiver. So basically this seller is only passing his paypal fees onto buyers.

  • double-happiness

    double-happiness over 12 years ago

    I also recall information technology makes it easier to rip a buyer of

    Of course, you woud lose all recourse to an 'item not received dispute'

    This volition add together an extra 8% to the total cost to cover paypal charges.

    Ridiculous. Chancer. What a joke. Payment processing fees are part of the cost of doing business. I hope next time they become to score a pack of suds the supermarket they go into wants to surcharge them 8% for processing their payment.

  • 4_trade_or_swap

    4_trade_or_swap over 12 years ago

    4_trade_or_swap edited over 12 years agone

    Anyway this works only if the funds are in the paypal account, if you lot send as a gift through paypal using funds from your bill of fare the fees volition be the same.
    The paypal fees are there and this is the correct way to count them:

    (total + 0,35 euro) + 3,5% of that sum
    (10 + 0,35) + 0,36225 = 10,71225 = 10,72 euro is the total to receive x,00 euro.

    this works if the business relationship it's in euro for paymemt in euro from countries using this currency. If tha payment it's in euro from a land using a unlike currency than one must add together 4% of the sum in brackets.
    When a buyer pays an detail with bank transfer, International Money Club or in any other way of payment the heir-apparent pays the toll of this, I will never sympathise why with paypal this should be paid past the seller.

  • ccj

    ccj over 12 years ago

    Given the rip-off ethics here, shouldn't you study the user Brume?

  • Sammy-Smith

    Sammy-Smith over 12 years ago

    Study him for what exactly? There'due south zip in Discogs T&C'south to say sellers can't add a surcharge for Paypal payments. Although viii% is a laughable made-up figure, the guy is upfront almost it. Just don't buy from him, simple.

  • Haze

    Brume over 12 years agone

    Given the rip-off ideals here, shouldn't you written report the user Haze?

    Equally Sammy-Smith said above, there's nothing to report to Discogs here unfortunately.

    Only don't buy from him, elementary.

    More than 400 users already bought from him. Looks like they don't have problems with his policy.


    ROBDOLPHIN66 over 12 years ago

    More than 400 users already bought from him. Looks like they don't have issues with his policy.

    If they have received 400+ gift payments from 400+ different people I would have thought that Paypal would have defenseless on by now!

    In general they have definitely caught on to some degree because they take limited / stopped gift payments between certain countries.

  • Haze

    Haze over 12 years ago

    Maybe he's just inverse his details recently, dunno.

  • consort

    consort over 12 years ago

    you, i.east. the sender of the payment, at present has to pay the fee that would exist unremarkably exist charged to the receiver.

    Not true at all, I do it all the time. The only benchmark AFAIK is that it must come up from your checking business relationship.

  • pinkychukkles

    pinkychukkles over 12 years agone

    Simply going on personal experience although I oasis't had crusade to ship a gift payment in PayPal for a while. The last time I tried, when I marked the payment every bit a souvenir, the fee was added to the total but as you point out, that could be due to other factors that I wasn't enlightened of at the time. Can't be arsed to look but there must be a fully detailed explanation of what happens with gift payments somewhere on paypal.

  • G.Monk

    Thou.Monk over 12 years ago

    When a buyer pays an particular with bank transfer, International Coin Order or in any other mode of payment the buyer pays the cost of this, I will never understand why with paypal this should be paid past the seller.

    This is something what bothers me for years. If somebody wants to send you a letter with money you lot as a seller too don't pay the stamps. That's why I never have a problem with paying the paypalfees every bit a buyer.


    ROBDOLPHIN66 over 12 years agone

    I am guessing that the first time that most people apply Paypal is for eBay and on eBay it is not allowed to accuse PP fees so I call up that is what people are used to and wait everywhere else as well.

    Fees are a chip like tips - a ticket agency or a travel agent volition more than likely charge me a fee for using a credit card, but HMV or Tesco for example will non.
    I would usually tip the waiter in a restaurant or a taxi driver merely I don't tip the checkout assistant in the supermarket or the coach driver.
    Why these are the done things and are adequate - I have no idea!

  • Haze

    Haze over 12 years agone

    That's why I never have a trouble with paying the paypalfees as a buyer.

    Accept to disagree here. Equally I encounter it: The seller is using this service mainly to attract potential buyers from away (buyers from your own country will pay most likely via banktransfer). So it'southward the seller who has an advantage here, and should pay the fees for the service imo.

    But let's non start Vol. X of the practiced erstwhile Paypal fees thread ; )

  • Sammy-Smith

    Sammy-Smith over 12 years ago

    I would unremarkably tip the waiter in a restaurant or a taxi driver but I don't tip the checkout assistant in the supermarket or the motorcoach commuter.

    Resevoir Dogs opening scene ;)

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